Potential Chinese Leadership in the Global Fight against Climate Change in the 21st Century





China, climate change, risk, vulnerability Paris Agreement


The continuous increase in temperature between March and September 2016, in addition to the ratification of the required number of States for the current delivery of the Paris Agreement in the same year, gave the international community the impression that in spite of the big challenge of the climate change, starting from this day, the subject would be tackled under a committed and responsible multilateral diplomacy. For the first time, the main greenhouse gas emitters, The United States and China, led an agreement whose objective proposed avoiding the temperature to reach 2oC degrees and suggests an economical fund of 100 billion dollars to make it happen. However, with the government change in the United States the situation was modified, since the current president, Donald Trump, decided to leave the Paris Agreement. Given this context, China, and other world powers, have accepted to lead the agreement that, currently, seems to be a priority, challenging and risky.


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